“What does it think it's doing running west
When all the other country brooks flow east
To reach the ocean? It must be the brook
Can trust itself to go by contraries
The way I can with you—and you with me—
Because we’re—we’re—I don't know what we are.
What are we?”
“Young or new?”
“We must be something.
We’ve said we two. Let’s change that to we three.
As you and I are married to each other,
We’ll both be married to the brook. We’ll build
Our bridge across it, and the bridge shall be
Oue arm thrown over it asleep beside it.
Look, look, it’s waving to us with a wave
To let us know it hears me.”

                –Robert Frost, West-Running Brook​​​​​​​
Font: Filosofia
A self-initiated project I created as practice and to build a portfolio that could help me shift my career toward publishing. If you know of an opportunity to work with books, that you think I'd be suitable for, please do let me know about it.

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